

by kingdom Citizens

by kingdom Citizens

The Premier Collection

is rooted in the Alpha & Omega



by kingdom Citizens

by kingdom Citizens

The Citizen x Kingdom Citizens Collection


The pieces designed within the Citizen collection are a reminder of who you are. If you believe in the one true living savior, Jesus Christ, you are a part of the body of Christ. You are an heir to the creator of the universe.

You are a Kingdom Citizen!



by Kingdom Citizens is a space created to share God’s Word and the work through his body here on earth. We are His hands and feet here on earth so join the conversation and share what it is you do, or stop by to encourage and or discuss what God has placed on your heart.

Shop Citizen Collection

$55 White & Black

$60 Red & Tan

Buy 2 get $10 off

To place your order send:

Size & Color with payment to

Venmo: ImaniTalib

Cash App: ImaniTalib